
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dreaming for others

I have been reconnecting to my spiritual self again, after a long hiatus. My children are 3 and 1 and I am just starting to feel an urge to find myself again versus all energy into the children, they are getting old enough  now that I have *some* (ha, ha) time to me. I am feeling the "call" again. A friend of mine has been having problems conceiving and I am connecting to her so much, perhaps because this is a struggle long past for me. I am seeing me in her so much--the connections seems uncanny as we dive into it. It is amazing how much Mother affects Motherhood. There is a deep seed of hurt between her and her Mom, as there was with mine.  I am actually having dreams now about her and her Mother dynamic. whacky & cool.

I had a dream last night about a woman who was pregnant & I went over and saw her swollen belly and started crying. There was another woman there too. Watching " I "was so sad and hurt that the baby was not mine & then I saw on her ears, pearl earnings--I recognized them immediately as earnings that held value for me--Mother's Pearls. In my dream the woman who stood watching and observing said "she thinks his name is Danny but I don't". The voice in my dream cried more and silently inside said "Yes, yes. Daniel for a boy or Danniel for a girl"--that is the name for my baby".

Now, I do NOT want to be pregnant so the dream spooked me a little.  As I look back I was the third woman watching and the voice of "I" was my friend. Then I thought of  how Daniel was the Angel of Marriage and I thought of my friend and her struggle to have their second baby. I think somehow the Mother and Husband must be conflicting for Daniel and Mother to be in same dream.   I looked up the definition of the baby name:

Origin of the name Daniel:

Derived from the Hebrew dāni’ēl (God is my judge). The name is borne in the Bible by a Hebrew prophet whose faith kept him from harm in a den of hungry lions

It is interesting too, that it is a Hebrew name since her ancestry is Jewish. I know that she is strugling with her Mother and it has affected her solar plexus--center of "I AM". I see her struggling to define herself as Mother in the context of her own struggle with her Mother--and a struggle with her faith somehow. All I know is that she and her Mom have  not spoken in a year. I too went through this so I can relate. I see the pearls as a symbol of healing for her and her Mother.  A bridge or connection to begin the path of healing. I know that all stones, silver, gold, etc hold energy and can be cleansed and cleared energetically. This is a great site I just found--

Pearl - White: Recharge white pearls in waxing moonlight once a month.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Angelic Visitation.

So I have recently started working very closely with my angels. I started channeling, well, in all honesty I have been channeling for a long time, I just did not call it that, or allow myself to open to it fully. But now, I am grounded, protected and aware. Since I have opened myself to them, I am receiving a lot of feedback and support! I have even been invited to take part in what is called an "Angel Visitation Experiment" where I open my home to angelic being to work with me closely and intimately for one week, then I send them off to a new home to work with others. I am so excited. It starts the 29th. I will be sure to write my experience's down. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Food for Baby...

I used ice cube trays with a lid and a plastic bottom & I bought something like this http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=537637&parentCategoryId=85181&categoryId=85206 She is all about snacks now, so those containers work perfect for cheerios, and are great to throw in the diaper bag as I run out the door! 

 For my babies  first foods, I made all of her first foods. It made me feel good, since I worry non stop...plus have you tried to eat that stuff they make for kids? YUK. Baby  loves mango and avacado!  So weird, I bet I did not have avacado or mango until I was in high school! 

The left over cubes of pureed food work great now as a fruit ice pop for her teething--http://www.amazon.com/Mesh-Teething-Baby-Feeder-Feeding/dp/B000056JCY.

And, have you read Jessica Sienfiel's cook book? http://www.amazon.com/Deceptively-Delicious-Simple-Secrets-Eating/dp/0061251348
I have made a few of her recipe's and they ARE GOOD!

I bought one of those small cuisinart's for her food. Works great. She is just moving up to table foods now, I take our meal and just chop up a little portion--she is "stage 3" and doing really well with most foods.She has the mashing and the finger grasp down. I always laugh when I feed her, she likes to play in it--I let her get all messy, it is too funny not to let her have at it!  I think she might be allergic to pumpkin or curry, she had a little rash after she shared some soup i made with me last week, but it could have just been coincidence...I will try again later and really watch to see.  I was nervous about eggs but we just tried egg yolks and that went fine , so far so good! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


It might FEEL chaotic and all over the place to YOU but remember you are not looking at this from an Angels persepective!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Conscious Mom

Conversation with a friend:

Friend: how was your summer!?

Me: lovely, very busy, flew by, and she is growing so fast.

Friend: I know, and I haven't even met her yet!

Me: I try to be in each moment with her, but it just takes my breath away, she is always growing/leanring...amazing!

  • i hope you two can meet soon!

    Friend: You make motherhood sound magical!

    Me: It is.

    • You HAVE to do something with it
    • career-wise called 'conscious mom' or something

      Me:  I would love to

      And, I would love to. I have been thinking about it. Brainstorming....So How can I?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Crown Chakra: “I AM OM"(say 10X in the mirror)

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is also known as the thousand petalled lotus. This center is found at the very top and center of the head.The crown chakra represents pure consciousness, and is the center of our super-conscious minds. The Vedic taught that here we find universal consciousness and unity through transcendental consciousness.
Fully activating this chakra can take years of patient study in the esoteric arts. But anyone can benefit greatly from the pursuit of enlightenment through such practices as daily meditation, yoga, and constant mindfulness.Become aware of the crown chakra and perhaps motivate you toward further study.

 I think more then anything this chakra is about feeling connected to divine. You can define divine anyway you like, GOD, GODDESS, UNIVERSE, MOTHER EARTH, NATURE...It is all the same. People often focus on this chakra, and skip the others. But know that you can not have a truely enlightened experience unless you travel up the chakras and awake them all. Just like a tree, the bigger and broader the root system for that tree the larger and more beautiful the tree, the branches, the leaves and the blossom.

For me the the saint and angel is the same, it is JESUS CHRIST. For he is a true awakened master on earth, and my God. It is he whom I try to live like, embody and, through him I hope to enter the kingdom of heaven...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Brow/Third Eye Chakra Meditations: “ I listen. I trust. I am divinely guided. I love myself”

The Brow Chakra is associated with the color indigo or violet. Color: Violet. Violet is universal love, selflessness and understanding.The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is associated with clear sight and clear insight. It is also often referred to as the "third eye" or the "mind center." Brow chakra is located between the brows in the inward center of the forehead. The brow or third eye chakra is our avenue to wisdom - learning from our experiences and putting them in perspective. Our ability to separate real world from fantasy is in connection with the healthfulness of this chakra. through developing impersonal intuitive reasoning we expand our consciousness.

This chakra is probably the most well known, and I don't know if that is a good thing. The idea of a 3rd eye, and intuition has embedded itself into just about every culture. Most people see psychic abilities, or a "second sight" as some kind of joke. A bad actor making up things so she or he can get a buck. Yes, there are most definitely charlatans out there. But, just like stereotypes, they are based on truth and greatly exaggerated. EVERYONE has intuition and a second sight. We have all thought about someone randomly, and PRESTO! The phone rings. There is a knock on the door. You run into them at a store. That is not random. It is a sense of our higher self. We are all connected energetically. You were just tapping into that flow. For a moment.  We all carry with us,  a deep, deep well of wisdom and knowledge. We are KNOWING BEINGS. We are capable of a great deal more then we allow ourselves. To tap into the third eye, does not mean, that suddenly you see ghosts and auras and channel spirits. It means you will discover  or re-introduce yourself to a knowing and wise part of yourself that you never acknowledged. It means you will feel more connected to everything and everyone. It means you will begin to flow easier through life. Learning lessons through joy, and not tragedy. You will feel divinely guided. The Angel I am working with today is:
Angel Asariel
The words associated with this Angel are emotions, dreams, intuition and creativity. Asariel has dominion over the waters of the world and the abundance of life within and so guides the deep ocean of your spirits. Asariel watches over your emotions and the ebb and flow of life, encouraging creativity and teaching through dreams and inner wisdom.
The colours associated with this Angel are aqua and blue.
I was originally thinking of using Saint Hildegard because she was a seer, a healer and had prophetic visions. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07351a.htm but in my meditation--I kept seeing a dove. And a dove, symbolizes the holy spirit. Which in so many ways resonates with the concept of the brow chakra. To those that are not Catholic, this idea may seem weird. But the holy spirit is what guides us all. It is the "flow" we often talk about. I am Catholic, and see the trinity as a very important part of my life. But, I found a non-catholic website that has a beautiful definition of the holy spirit. http://www.thevoiceforlove.com/holy-spirit.html "The Holy Spirit is the bridge to God within you. It is the part of your mind—the part of your Spirit—that is joined with the Mind of God. The Holy Spirit is the Voice for God and acts as a reminder to all of God's children of the unconditional love that God has for them.

God loves His children so much that He wanted His children to always know that they are safe, they are loved, and they are whole. God extended the Holy Spirit as a way to ensure that God’s children would always know these things. God gave this Voice to His children, and this Voice is now a part of them. It is the eternal perspective of Truth, Love, and Reality that cannot be taken from God's children. It is the Voice of God instilled within and the ever‑present reminder to God's children of the Truth of Who and What they are and the Love their Father has for them.
By extending the Holy Spirit, God provided a way to bring His Voice into each of His children as they went out into the world so that they could always remember the Truth of Who and What they are. The Holy Spirit's function and purpose is to bring God’s Voice to each of God’s children, guiding them, directing them, loving them, and restoring their thinking to God's.
Little by little, as you hear, recognize, understand, and become aware of the Holy Spirit in different ways—through your thinking, correcting a thought with this Voice, recognizing this Voice in another, sharing this Voice with a friend, and so on— the Holy Spirit is brought into the world and given to each of God’s children. This Voice is recognized in each of God’s children and used as a reminder for God’s children of the Truth so that they can overcome the world.
The Holy Spirit was given to each of God’s Children by God, put within each one, and is now a part of them. It is not to think that the Holy Spirit is separate from you, is really only a part of God, or will one day be separate, because in Truth, the Holy Spirit is a part of you. It has now been blended and melted into you. That is why it is important to recognize this Voice of God in everyone you meet because It is part of them as well.
The Holy Spirit is within each of God’s children and cannot be extracted. It is there as a constant Resource, Companion, and speaker of Truth no matter what you think you have done, what you think you are doing, or what you think you might do. This Voice for Love within you holds no judgments, never condemns, and only remembers your true Perfection. In that is the impossibility of sin or anything related to it.
It is not possible for the Holy Spirit to judge you in any way because this part of God can only see the Truth of who you are and not who you think you are. God’s Voice is within your mind and is ever available to you to restore your thinking to Truth. In any moment you decide that you do not want to participate in the belief of separation—if you decide you want peace, if you decide you want to remember Who you are and What you are— the Holy Spirit is there within you waiting to join with you in Truth. It has been within you since your first step into the world and offers you an alternative to pain and suffering, to fear and loathing, to vengeance and death. This Voice for Love within you offers you Peace, Oneness, Truth, and everlasting Life.