
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

third. eye


Friday, February 19, 2010

Third Eye Chakra Day 1

The Brow Chakra is associated with the color indigo or violet. Color: Violet. Violet is universal love, selflessness and understanding.The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is associated with clear sight and clear insight. It is also often referred to as the "third eye" or the "mind center." Brow chakra is located between the brows in the inward center of the forehead. The brow or third eye chakra is our avenue to wisdom - learning from our experiences and putting them in perspective. Our ability to separate real world from fantasy is in connection with the healthfulness of this chakra. through developing impersonal intuitive reasoning we expand our consciousness

•Sanskrit Name - ajna

•Physical Location - center of the forehead

•Purposes - action of ideas, insight, mind development

•Spiritual Lesson - understanding, reality check point, detachment, open mind

•Physical Dysfunctions- brain tumors, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal dysfunctions, panic, depression

•Mental and Emotional Issues - fear of truth, discipline, judgement, evaluation, emotional intelligence, concept of reality, confusion

•Information Stored Inside Sacral Chakra - seeing clear picture (symbolic or literal), wisdom, intuition, mental facilities, intellect

•Area of Body Governed - brain, neurological system, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary, pineal glands

Aromas-Mint, Vanilla and Jasmin
•Food: Purple asparagus, grapes, brinjals

Best Therapy: Meditation, Color Therapy, Watercoloring.

Daily Exercise: Rub hands together vigorously, then place palms over your eyes
Yoga Pose-The Headstand, The Corpse and Alternative Nostril Breathing.

•Gemstones - Purple Flourite, Sugalite, Lapis, Quartz, Lapis lazuli, Indigo Sapphire, and Sodalities, silver metal

•Flower Essences - Wild Oat, Queen Anne's Lace, Madia

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Throat Chakra Day 7

I feel like I fell off the bandwagon this week, but in many ways I did not. I  had to do a lot, and communicate my needs. I cried a lot. I moved through a lot of "stuff" and really laid some important stuff on the table.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Throat Chakra Day 6

Ash Wednesday, Today. Lent starts.  I am going to continue no meat. I am also going to *try* to say no to chocolate. That will be a huge sacrifice for me.

I will use lent to continue my exploration of self.

Today I realized I had not yet done my throart chakra bath soak...so I did. My head, neck and jaw were puslating, i felt like chanting in the bath lots of OMs and theater vocal exersizes, it felt great.

My husband, is going back to his roots at the Catholic church, so we went to an Ash Wednesday service. I am allowed to get the ashes because it is not a sacrament-Joe did all this research- so I did. It was really cool. From Ashes, to Ashes, Dust to Dust. You came from the Dust and you acknowledge you will return. It is about asking forgiveness and opening your hear to God. I like that.

Throat Chakra Day 5

I was so depressed today. I barely ate, just slept and cried. I did watch a few meditations on youtube.

Thorat Chakra Day 4

Monday Day off, more painting.

crying. all this move is just hitting me hard. but, I am just letting myself cry no need pushing it down not in a throat chakra meditation week.

Throat Chakra Day 3

Painting my new apartment. Valentines Day. So much work, but we had fun.  Food wise, All I can say is I am avoiding meat so that is good but past that.....I can't say I am on the wagon. Just too much going on.

I am really getting scared about this move. This new apartment is so small, I know it is just a transitional place to see if we want to stay in the area but I am really getting jittery due to all  this change.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Throat Chakra Day 2


The Throat Chakra is associated with the color sky blue. This chakra is our will center. The healthfulness of the fifth chakra is in relation to how honestly one expresses himself/herself. Lying violates the body and spirit . We speak our choices with our voices (throats). All choices we make in our lives have consequences on an energetic level. Even choosing not to make a choice such as in repressing our anger (not speaking out) may manifest into laryngitis. We have all experienced that "lump in our throats" when we are at a crossroad of not knowing how to speak the right words in any given situation, perhaps even stuffing our own emotions. A challenge of the throat chakra is to express ourselves in the most truthful manner. Also to receive and assimilate information. Seek only the truth.

Chakra Five - Associations

•Color - blue

•Sanskrit Name - vishuddha

•Physical Location - throat, neck region

•Purposes - learning to take responsibility for one's own needs

•Spiritual Lesson - confession, surrender personal will over to divine will, faith, truthfulness over deceit

•Physical Dysfunctions- sore throat, mouth ulcers, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, voice problems, gum or tooth problems, TMJ

•Mental and Emotional Issues - personal expression, creativity, addiction, criticism, faith, decision making (choices), will, lack of authority

•Information Stored Inside Throat Chakra - self-knowledge, truth, attitudes, hearing, taste, smell

•Area of Body Governed - throat, thyroid, trachea, neck vertebrae, mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus, parathyroid, hyperthalemus

throat chakra DAY 1

The Throat Charka (Vissuddha) seeks communication and clear expression.The Throat Chakra-is about finding peace. This Chakra helps brings our own truth into the world, and to aid us in communicating how we feel and think.

Feeding Your Throat Chakra-

The throat chakra is a transmitter of truth, freedom, and clarity. It is located in the throat and neck region of the body and extends

upward to include the lower region of the brain or cortex.

This area of the physical body holds the communication center, and the gateway to inner and outer worlds.

What does your Throat Chakra need so you can fully express who you are?

Speaking One's Truth

· Sea plants: sea weed, dulse flakes,

· Fruit: lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi, apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, etc

· vegetables:

· Liquids: water, fruit juices, herbal teas

· Spices: salt, lemon grass

· Herb: Frankincense

· Flower: Morning glory

· Eat high quality, local, organic—think about the spiritual energy that is in what you eat—do you really want something that is hurting, not treated with love?

· soups - By eating foods like soups (earth-water elements fused together through fire), we encourage and honor our connection with the elemental nature of foods and our bodies.

Eating soups can open up the throat chakra area and create more ease in eating. Eating spoonfuls of soup compared to bites of food may help us to slow down and be more in the moment

· Ethnic food/new tastes- It exposes you to an abundance of tradition and culture. It broadens not only your food horizon, but helps you to step out of the box of your everyday living!

Throat Stimulants:. Blue Sky, Ocean Overlook ,Communication, Self-Expression, Free Will, Creativity, Eloquence. Singing, Chanting, Humming, Toning, chewing food slowly and with mindefulness, chants, and sometimes screaming You may want to wear a blue scarf around your neck today to honor your ability to speak up and speak out, or

place a photo or picture of a clear blue sky where you can see it and be reminded of the heights from which creative inspiration seems to descend.

Celebrate the many ways in which you express yourself. Take some time today to simply breathe in and let the air out as a sound that expresses what you feel:

a groan, a laugh, a sigh, a clear, strong note

Gemstones - Chrysocola,Lapis, Blue Opal / Flower Essences - Cosmos, Trumpet Vine, Larch


I am the messenger.

I speak the sweet whispers of the heart.

I sing my song.

I speak my truth with clarity and courage.

I am the essence of sound vibration.

Meditation to Open the Throat Chakra:. Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up.

Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.

Chant the sound HAM. (ewald baker) Musical Note is G or So

Letting Energy Flow: .

Yoga Pose: The Lion, The Shoulder Stand, The Plough, The Headstand, The Camel and The Fish.

heart chakra days 5-7

This was a difficult week because my mother in law had a stress induced heart attack, I did workwith my spiritual team and I avoided meat but mainly I just focused on the NOW of what was happening to my loved one. Her heart attack has a "street" name : commonly known as broken heart syndrome. Broken Heart, Which, if I take the fear and grief out of the situation and look at it from a spiritual perspective--there is a lot of syncronisity in my life right now. Broken Heart. If you allow these things in life to control you- your heart literally can't take the stress. I too am under stress, I have been TRYING to release and free myself from this stress but lots and lots of stress just IS  and some I make up  due to my own fears and add  them into  and onto other stress. I myself need to learn how to reduce stress, how to let go, how to forgive, how to let God. I have been trying to release my fear and anxiety to AA Michael. And, I have been working a lot with my spiritual team-who have been showing me signs and sending me love. But, I need to use my body more. I have been talking about yoga for years now, I do bits and pieces here and there, but I want to practice yoga, my body wants it~This will be a new goal for me. I have to start connecting the dots with mind, body and spirit.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

heart chakra day 5

my mother  in law had a heat attack.

Monday, February 8, 2010

heart chakra day 4

i took my bath salt bath which was awesome. I have been using that chant om mani padma hum, and feel better with it. in my bath today I felt so peaceful and happy.

i ate meat today, actually my husband bought this little roast chicken for dinner, and i thought--why not? a nice dinner no harm---but i became literlly ill after the meal. It was like my body DID NOT want that in it!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

heart chakra day 2

heart chakra day 2, was a day of meditation and rest. I found some great meditation on youtube, one had a chant om mani padme hum, id never heard before but felt so natural and peaceful.

Mantra of Compassion - Om MANI PEDME HUN

Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying the mantra (prayer), Om Mani Padme Hum, out loud or silently to oneself, invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion. Viewing the written form of the mantra is said to have the same effect -- it is often carved into stones and placed where people can see them.

Spinning the written form of the mantra around in a Mani wheel (or prayer wheel) is also believed to give the same benefit as saying the mantra, and Mani wheels, small hand wheels and large wheels with millions of copies of the mantra inside, are found everywhere in the lands influenced by Tibetan Buddhism.

The Prayer Wheel: Spiritual Technology from Tibet

It is said that all the teachings of the Buddha are contained in this mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum can not really be translated into a simple phrase or sentence.

It is appropriate, though, to say a little about the mantra, so that people who want to use it in their meditation practice will have some sense of what they are doing, and people who are just curious will understand a little better what the mantra is and why it is so important to Tibetan Buddhists.

heart chakra day 3

  I  went to church this morning. I cant describe it...I felt blessed.

I kept seeing the numbers 444 all day today.... and so I looked it up  on lisabeachy.com

444 — Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well.


Friday, February 5, 2010

heart chakra day1

The heart chakra governs our interactions as we reach out to touch and embrace other people. Keeping the balance between personal needs and the needs of others is the function of the heart chakra. Expansion, growth and freedom are all prerequisted for a healthy and mature heart chakra. (sue and simon lilly)

Feeding Your Heart Chakra

Healing Emotional Hurts

· Fruit: pear, kiwi, green grapes, lime, avacado, apples,

· Leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, dandelion greens, green beans, green peas, calabrese, setc.

· Air vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts, leeks, celery, squash, etc.

· Liquids: green teas

· Spices: basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley


Heart Stimulants:. Nature walks, time spent with family or friends. Green food & drink. Green gemstones and green clothing. Using green oils such as eucalyptus or pine essential oils. Relationships–The right to love. Love, forgiveness, compassion. Ability to have self-control. Acceptance of oneself.

Meditation to Open the Solar Plexus or Naval Chakra: Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (so a bit above the solar plexus).Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart.

Chant the sound YAM. (ewald baker) Musical Note is FA.

Letting Energy Flow:

Yoga Pose: Cow Face Pose- Gomukhasana

Thursday, February 4, 2010

solar plexus day 7

this week has flown by. I feel like it was farily easy, I did spend a lot of energy incorporating the red and orange chakras as well into this chakra....it just felt right like i needed the balance of all three. Especially since Sacral is all about flow. This morning I listened to a very soothing meditation on blog talk radio.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Solar Plexus Day 6

This morning I had coffee, a fruit smoothie, water, rye toast with butter and honey....
for lunch I had leftover fish and couscous.

I have done a few mediations I found on Lisa Beachy's youtube channel....

This exersize on clearing emotional hurts with AA raphael was very profound for me....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly0uQ1TTJbE


for dinner I made a rainbow pepper, watercress quiche
with a side of watercress and radish and salsa.

Solar Plexus Day 5

Today I was on the go-go looking at apartments all day. I had coffee and pb&j on an eglish muffin for bfast for a snack, I had a oatmeal, brown sugar and nuts with a small coffee at starbucks and and for lunch I had a roasted veg and goat chesse sandwich at Cosi, with a soda. For dinner I made a pizza (well frozen cheese pizza) and added red, orange, yellow peper, fresh tomoato and onion with basil, oregano, and ....for desert chocolate chip cookies. I am happy because on a day out A) I avoided meat, and B) ate food inspired by the solar plexus, sacral and root chakra.

I was under a lot of stress yesterday but feel like I did a pretty good job of going with the flow and just settling into the Now. Which is very very good for me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Solar Plexus or Naval Chakra Day 4

SMOOTHIE DAY. I had a smoothie for  bfast (and a small bowl of granola cereal) and lunch.
For Dinner I had periogie with red,yellow and orange peppers. yellow onion and butter with cumin seeds. And, beets...I  know that is more root chakra but I was craving them! Trusitng the craves lately.

Today I did my 3rd bath salt soak from Natalie Berthold, and spoutinglove.com Such an amazing thing to have a bath soak with intention. Makes everything come into focus. Someone called this chakra "Manipura! The city of jewels!" and wow, what a great way to look at it....