
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Solar Plexus Day 3

Today, was a day of yum.

I made a yummy scrambled eggs (1/2 real eggs and 1/2 egg beaters) with cheese, and whole grain rye toast for bfast.& a delicious Fruit salad!
pineapple, cantaloupe, strawberries, YUM!

for lunch I just snack'd a little on chips and and cheese because bfast was so late and so filling....but for dinner I went all out.

I made a lovely watercress salad, with red radish, tomato (all root chakra) with yellow onion and yellow pepper! Made with a lovely homemade lemon vinaigrette!

a pumpkin curry soup with lemon and oregano tilapia white fish with a yummy couscous and corn and carrot side.

My husband and I were talking at dinner tonight, about how nice it is to make and eat food with intention. Joe said " I don't know about the spiritual aspect, but I love the food part". And it is true, we don't hunt, or harvest our food...it comes in a truck, packaged, delivered to a store, put in your fridge and then in your mouth. There is no relationship to the food we eat, no connection. Doing this diet makes me think about what I am buying, making and putting in my mouth. I am starting to see that the food also has a connection to me, if I let it nurish me, it can heal me too!

Solar Plexus Chakra Day 2

Today was exhausting, I had to look at apartments in CT (still haven't found one I love but I did find one I could settle for. It is SMALL, but good location-what to do?) I had get the car fixed, I had to drive back into the city to perform in a play on the LES,  and go to a friends bday afterwards-which I was not fun at because I did not want to drink or party I wanted to sleep. Run, run all day. For breakfast I had brown rice with honey, cranberry and walnuts. For lunch I had a vegetarian raviloi with roasted red peppers and asparagus, and for dinner a slice of artichoke and spinach pizza. Not quiet all solar plexus but because I was eating out all day, it was hard to pass on the meat. So at least I made the right choice there. My huband got this pizza with bacon and chicken, Oh my gosh did I want that...but no meat. It is good. But, I really gravitate towards green foods. I wonder why I always "need the green"? This is something I will have to look at when the heart chakra comes up next week.

I woke up this AM and read a chapater in my book on the solar plexus....I am in a new chaper while the root and sacral chakra were chakras of manifestation, the solar plexus and heart chakras are chakras of relationship. they begin to integrate  our energy with the world around us. They also spoke of the symbol for infinity and how the solar plexus is much like the center of the symbol -that which integrates and moves all energy from one point to another.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Naval or Solar Plexus Chakra, Day 1

"The Solar Plexus is associated with the element of fire because it takes raw materials and transforms them. In nearly all spiritual philosophies the wisdom of the self has been compared to the light of the sun. The perfect clarity of the solar plexus chakra clearly illuminates everything for what it is.”

(sue and simon lilly)

Feeding Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Boosting Self-Esteem and Encouraging Self-Love .

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is known as the Power Chakra, driving for control,

competence and success to fortify the ego.

· Granola and Grains: pastas, breads, cereal, rices, flax seed, sunflower seeds, etc.

· Fruits/Veg: rock melon, yellow pumpkins, mangoes, pineapples, yellow pepper

· Dairy: milk, cheeses, yogurt

· Spices: ginger, mints (peppermint, spearmint, etc.), melissa, chamomile, turmeric, cumin, fennel

Solar Plexus Stimulants:. Belly Dancing, Conscious Breathing, Hug yourself as tightly as possible, then puff your chest out as far as possible. Twist and hold each direction. Repeat. Incense: Calamus, Cardamon, Carnation, Cinnamon, Coriander, Ginger, Marigold, Orange, Scents: Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot. Gemstones: Amber, Tigers Eye, Yellow Topaz and Citrine

Meditation to Open the Solar Plexus or Naval Chakra: Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers.Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel.Chant the sound RAM (ewald berkers) The corresponding musical note is “me”. Or E.

Letting Energy Flow: Chest Opening Poses such as The Cobra, The Bow, The Cat, The Coil and The Twist.

Yoga Pose: The Spinal Twist

What is for dinner?

Spagetti Squash and Pasta Sauce.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sacral Chakra Day 7

Health with Colors: The Interrelation of Food and Chakras

Healthmad is a great article that I found today!
Health with Colors: The Interrelation of Food and Chakras | Healthmad

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Today my last day of the sacral chakra I made a lovely dinner to celebrate... brown rice with honey, lobster tail, corn & carrots, red quino grains with walnuts and cranberry. (OJ for drink)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sacral Chakra Day 6

I made a lovely dinner tonight, I made a variation of shrimp scampi with carrots and spices all intune with this chakra. Today was a good day of research, intention and eating sacral chakra foods. I am feeling very good!

Sacral Chakra Day 5

I recently purchased an at home yoga and meditation CD & I spent two hours today doing yoga, for stress relief and listening to the Dalai Lama. It felt great. You may want to purcahse the CD-
Yoga for Stress Relief (With The Dalai Lama) (2006)Starring: Barbara Benagh Director: Michael Woh. Here is the link on amazon:

At Dinner tonight my husband said that he really enjoyed this new diet because of the variety in food I have been making. We had Shrimp Cocktail for an appetizer-one of his favorites-and for dessert Strawberries!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sacral Chakra Day 4

Sacral Chakra Meditation

"Sit cross-legged, close your eyes, and place your right hand on your lower abdomen, just below the belly button. Focus your breath into this area and see the warm orange glow that lives here. Slowly begin rubbing your belly, making small circles. Feel the energy created in this chakra center. Imagine a creative idea you would like to start or something in your life that you want, something that would bring you pleasure. As you focus on this idea, imagine what it would be like to see your completed creation or obtain your desire. Notice the feelings in your body. You are harnessing this energy to bring your creations and desires to fruition. Bask in the glow of knowing that you can have, be, or do anything you want. You are abundant."

Today I also tried my 2nd chakra bath soak, but like I said before I have been self sabotaging my healing and forgot to plug the tub and the salt went down the drain, so I see I am truly resisting this healing. Rather then be defeatist, I filled the tub and focused on meditating on my own with the sacral chakra. I imagine the water to be filled with healing love and light all focusing around my abdomen I laid in the tub with my fingers in the shape of a heart lying on my tummy. I tried to channel all healing into my second chakra, and release all fears, all toxins and negative energy held here. As I laid there, I saw pink, green and white lights behind my eyes, my throat got tight and tears swelled. I had a lot to love and a lot to let go of. But, now I feel blessed. Creativly Abundant and ready to be my true feminine self.

Not so great eating day...I mean I am drinking OJ and water and trying to stay focused....

Sacral Chakra, Day 3

Wow. If the Sacral Chakra is the "feeling" chakra, I have been doing a lot of that. It's like everything has gone wrong this week. It's like I have been very resistant of everything, a stubborn little girl trying to stand up straight in a tornado of emotional upheaval.  I think I really need work on this center. It's like everything waited to explode until this week, along with my resistance means I need to work on this part of me.

.I feel like I haven't had time to really cook-  I have been snacking-eating apricots, peaches, strawberries, rye toast with peanut butter, yams, orange peppers. But, Food wise, I have been OK. The main thing I notice is the detox aspect of this diet.Again I took the water and dyed it orange, so that psychically every time I drink the water I imagine it going to purify that sacral chakra. And, with all the water I drink per day I can definitely see how this alone is changing my body. My life. I'm sure people will say dying the water orange, (1drop red, 1 drop yellow) that I am polluting the water with the dye, but it really helps me want to drink the water--and it makes my consciously think about WHY I am drinking this water. And, my body is really getting unplugged. Let's just hope I can get the emotions unplugged, becasue this is where I am at a bottle neck.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Free WisdomFlash Sacral Charkra Day 2

Free WisdomFlash

this is amazing.

Second Chakra-Sacral Chakra DAY 1

"The Sacral Chakra is the reservoir of our life energy from which energy is channelled or directed through the rest of the body. Spontaneous enjoyment of experience , exploration of the senses and play are all characteristicss of this chakra, stimulating our ability to learn and develop as individuals.”

(sue and simon lilly)

It is associated with creativity, sexuality, relationship, and reproduction.

Feeding Your Sacral Center : Svadhisthana

Nourishing the Sexual/Creativity Center

· Sweet fruits: oranges, peaches, apricots, melons, mangos, strawberries, passion fruit, coconut, etc.

· Vegetables: pumpkin, peppers, carrots, buttersquash

· Other Orange Foods: brown rice, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts, nuts, oats, shellfish, seafoods, etc.

· Honey

· Vitamins: Vitamin A, C, Calcium, Zinc

· Spices: cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sweet paprika, sesame seeds, caraway seeds

Sacral Stimulants : Sex, Dancing, Walking, Yoga, Ti-Chi where energy is flowing, all forms of creativity, belly dancing, yoga, bathing, meditating, Orange food and drink. Orange/ Brown are the colors associated with this chakra so clothing, bathing in orange, etc. Using sacral scented oils such as jasmine, juniper, musk, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang, as well as the gemstones amber, calcite tiger's eye, carnelian, citrine, coral, fire agate and opal, garnet, moonstone, and orange tourmaline.

Meditation to Open the Sacral Chakra : Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently.Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).
Chant the sound VAM/MA for several breaths. (ewald berkers) The Musical Note associated with this chakra is D.

Letting Energy Flow:

Yoga Pose: The Cobbler, The Butterfly, or The Cobra

Thursday, January 21, 2010


WOW,  what a roller coaster root has been. Up one day, down the next. Running with energy one day and then meditating for hours the next. I realized this chakra- food wise- was very easy for me, garlic, spices, onions, potatoes, red pasta sauce, salsa, meat, coffee, sugar, wine.... most of my food is naturally RED rooted. I use to eat very little meat, and then I got married to a MEAT eater. So, I just kind of started adding more and more meat into my diet, but this week, I was TRYING to eat meat and focusing on WHAT i ate and I realized- I already ate a LOT of meat! But it is amazing what eating food with intentions of using it to heal your body will do. Same meals as always pretty much, but I felt a difference, both while I prepared the meals and when I ate then... Meat especially, when you THINK about MEAT- about appreciating where the food came and what it purpose in your body will be, it changes your relationship to the food. In the coming chakras meat will fade to null. My husband has been super supportive, thus far, I am wondering what it will be like as meat fades from the table.

Next we have orange- or sacral chakra.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Root Chakra 6

Not the best eating wise, but I found a lovely salsa and red nacho chip "red beans and rice" YUM.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Root Chakra, Day 5

Today....I had to run to make it to a 10am job interview which meant waiting till noon for them to be ready for me. By the time I got into the interview I was hungry and annoyed. I kept trying to ground myself and maybe I did so too much. I did not hit it off with the person interviewing me.  I also have been working with masculine energy for a play that I am in- where I play a woman who passes as a man and fights in the civil war. I have two more days of the root chakra meditation. I feel very good about the growth I have made in the root chakra and feel ready to move on to the next chakra's soon. But, Root is not done yet!

Today I had a very moving experience with root chakra-muldahara. I work with a healer-Natalie Berthold- her website is http://www.sproutinglove.com/. She makes these amazing bath salts which are filled with light and love. She has salts for each chakra, which I purchased to help me learn about, further grow and balance each chakra and deepen my faith.

In the soak- where I 'marinate in love'.
I focused on the mantra " I am rooted and grounded"-during the soak, I lit candles, listened to a CD with Gregorian chants, and focused on my root-accepting the peace, love and grounding the universe had to offer.
In the midst of the soak, I came to realize this about myself- my biggest fear is not being loved. I was terrified that I was unlovable-unwanted. During the soak, I allowed myself to literally accept the  love- I am perfectly safe, healthy, happy and very much so loved.! I love myself so I can love others, not the other way around.

So thank you root chakra, for helping me to  root myself and ground myself in LOVE!
I accept the LOVE and LIGHT!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Root Chakra, Day 4

Ok, I started off the day well, with a protein packed breakfast of omelet with salsa and red onion, red peppers and cheese.... and of course I got the sugar, chocolate and coffee quota of the day--but not enough "red" food for my approval because slowly throughout the day of going  & going my food practice left the red wagon and I haven't been drinking enough water either, but It's ok. Because I have been reading and thinking about the red chakra and trying to visualise red--harder then it sounds. And, today for me really was about getting things done. I spent most of the day packing--something I have been putting off, but needed to be done. So in that regard I did very much so act in accordance with the root chakra, I took care of what must be done.

 Tomorrow I will be more focused on the food I eat, and the water I drink. I also have a job interview, very important because right now, I am unemployed and need money. And money is a very important part of security - which the red chakra is all about. I also purchased a bath salt soak that has been charged with healing energy and reiki to balance the root chakra. So, I look forward to tomorrow and many blessings coming my way---financially ( I hope) and spiritually!

I learned today that the musical note that relates to and corresponds to the base chakra is "DO"  (you know, like, in do-re-me) so I know I know when I chant LAM I will do so in the note of DO. Very cool.

I watched this video on you tube which was relaxing, informative and had very groovy red chakra based music (not like some of the other scary loud supposed chakra stuff i have heard on youtube). The music from the video was from guna sangah, called "red muladhara chakra". Please check this out.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chakra 1 - The Red Root Meditation

I found this meditation on youtube, and thought it was very good.


Root Chakra Day 3

I have to admit, I am loving the root chakra. I feel great. I have energy, I feel happy, motivated! One thing I am learning about myself and my relationship to my root chakra, is that there is no need to feel fear in times of change, but simply to run with it, embrace it. I am going through a time of immense change in my life, my living situations, my career. It seems everything has turned me upside down. But thanks to my meditation on my root chakra-I have been dancing, listening to music, making love, meditating, embracing my inner warrior, stamping my feet, eating food I love, drinking wine, and eating chocolate - all with the intention of nourishing and pleasing my root chakra! It's like I gave myself a vacation from the negativity, the fears, the doubts, and gave myself the permission to love myself-but really to enjoy myself! And in loving myself more-in turn I feel like I have been able to love others more so.Not to mention-It has been fun- and it is only the beginning of my chakra journey!

Breakfast=coffee, toast with strawberry cream cheese and honey energized for the root chakra and raspberry yourgart.
lunch=nutella and peanut butter sandwich, red gala apple
snack=peanuts, sunflower seeds, grapes, pineapple.
dinner=steak, french fries & ketchup, and corn & of course Red Wine!
desert=hot chocolate

This is the meditation I did today

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Base Chakra, Day 2

Today I started with coffee, milk and sugar like always for breakfast raspberry yougart and a red apple with peanut butter honey and cinnamon.

I found a collection of dark colored and red colored rocks to sit with for morning meditation, to charge and inspire my root chakra.

I drank my water with a drop of red food coloring, I love watching the red dye mix and blend into the water. It is like a meditation just watching the swirls of color, as I visualize my intention of the water being meant for base chakra cleansing and purification. I don't drink a lot of water normally-something I see now that I must! It makes it a little more fun to drink colored water (even if it is only red dye). I did this seven times, and I must say I did not realize how dehydrated I was! I am certainly detoxing and purifying!

For lunch, I made a spicy chicken stir fry with red peppers, red onions! With cranberry and seltzer water for my drink.

I took time to listen to a chakra blancing on youtube.com

I loved this meditation. It was clear, loving and very peaceful...I wish I could have listened to the whole piece because it stopped abruptly after the root chakra.

For dinner, I made a lovely sugar and spice encrusted duck for dinner with red quinoa, a side salad with cherry tomatoes, and a side of corn and peas (for balance) and Red Wine, of course! My husband and I sat down and had a lovely meal. We said grace, and I also explained my intention of making the meal and what we were celebrating. We lit candles, drank our wine and had a lovely lovely meal together.

Plus our lovely desert was chocolate and caramel turtles.

We went to bed, feeling full, loved and blessed!


I must admit, I feel great.

base chakra connection

I am now doing research on the base chakra to learn more:
did you know that the base chakra MULADHARA means foundation?
The Indian depiction of the chakras shows a yellow square with 4 red petals around it. The yellow square represents earth, and the 4 petals represent north, east, south and west. The animal form for the base chakra is an elephant with 7 trunks that represent the chakras, the planets, the heavens, etc. On the elephants back is a seed mantra the sound that initiates this chakra. LAM.
Located at the base of the spine the base chakra is sometimes represented as a vortex with a downward opening. It is connected to the adrenal glands. These glands reflect the human survival instinct.

To energize the base chakra:
exercising the sense of touch, attending to practical matters, gentle movement and exercise can help us re-connect with the base chakra.
*take a bath
*get a massage, or other healing touch
*walking, running, jumping or stamping the feet improves ciculation and link to planet earth
*eating, especially high protein foods. taking mineral supplements, such as zinc.
*channeling strong feelings into simple constructive activity
*strong feelings created by base chakra need to release...write feelings on paper and then symbolically burn the paper to release the energy
*dancing, drumming, music with heavy beat with keep the energy circulating and prevent build up and has been used for 100's of years to energize the base chakra and all chakras and attain spiritual states.
*be creative
*anchor or ground yourself try the warrior pose or visualize roots from your feet going deep into the earth. the purpose of meditation is to let go of excess activity in the mind, emotions and body in order to experience the world as it is!
*the solid form and orderliness of the rocks and minerals reflect the nature of the base chakra in us. dark color crystals naturally ground and center our own energies.

(wisdom from the book healing with crystals and chakra energies by sue and simon lilly)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Base Chakra, Day 1

How is today different then any other day, well today I woke up with the intention of honoring and becoming better acquainted with my base chakra. Now, mind you I am no healer, no psychic, no master or scholar of any kind on chakras. But, I had a dream and the inspiration to learn more. So, I am doing just that.

I wore a red night gown last night.
This morning I awoke late, letting myself sleep in.
I made my coffee. I drank one glass of water that I put red dye in. I put my intention on that water. I drank it. I did this 7 times, through out the day!
I had my coffee and strawberry yougart.
I meditated, using the chant LAM.
I did the warrior pose to awaken the base chakra.
I had a very messy yummy protein packed late lunch/dinner, 2 eggs, bacon, on bread with horseradish.
For snacks dried cranberry, peanuts, apple and chocolate chips. YUM.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Info about Red Foods I found helpful....

From the Healing with Crystals and Chakra Energies by Sue and Simon Lilly.

Red Foods:

Fruits-Strawberries, Raspberries, Cherries
Red Veg- Red cabbage, beetroot, radishes, onions, tomatoes, chillies, watercress, parsley
Other Red Foods- meat, Pulses, Nuts, Fish
Red Vitamins-b12 ( to absorb iron)
red minerals-iron, magnesium, zinc
other red nutrients- fatty acids
red non-foods- red wine, coffee, chocolate, sugar,

I am posting most of my receipes on these inspirations...

Also, These links/posts have been influential for me.

I can't post them on the blog, so i am literally just copy and pasting...

This is from http://healing.about.com/od/spiritualdiets/a/chakrafoods.htm

Check out the foods under each of the seven primary chakras below to help you determine how your current diet might be deficient or over-indulgent. We can do our part in helping bring balance to our chakras by eating a balanced diet.
Feeding Your Root Chakra
•Root vegetables: carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, beets, onions, garlic, etc.
•Protein-rich foods: eggs, meats, beans, tofu, soy products, peanut butter
•Spices: horseradish, hot paprika, chives, cayenne, pepper

this is from http://hubpages.com/hub/Color-Healing-of-Root-Chakra-with-Red-Rays
Healing the Base Chakra with Red Color
Color Healing is one of the most popular methods for treating the Root or Base Chakra which is located at the base of the spine and groin and is associated with adrenals, kidneys, muscles and blood. This Chakra relates to our most basic connection with life and survival instincts. This Chakra is associated with qualities like patience, stability and confidence etc. The color representing the root chakra is red. Red is the color needed when one needs energy and confidence or want to feel sexy and desirable. Some diseases and conditions associated with the Root or Base Chakra are Constipation, obesity, anemia, anorexia, back pain, diarrhea, depression, anxiety, piles, colitis, frequent urination, high blood pressure, kidney stones and impotence. A balanced and healthy root chakra can make one courageous, strong willed, confident, humanistic, strong willed, spontaneous and honest. On the other hand an imbalance in this Chakra can make one insecure, dull, over aggressive, indulging in self pity and fearful.

Color Therapists use Color Healing to treat diseases and conditions related to the different Chakras by using the color related to that Chakra or its complimentary color rays. There are a number of ways colors can be used to heal or treat the Root Chakra and correct any imbalances. Given below are some of the methods of Color Healing.

Colored Lights

Healing with colored lights can be done using healing lamps meant for this purpose which can be in the form of desk lamps, spot light etc. When treating the root Chakra is normally exposed to red colored lights for 5 to 7 minutes. In addition to the color of the chakra normally a gel of the opposite or complimentary color is used by color therapists for a shorter period of time to balance the color energies. The complementary color ray for red rays is blue.

Raw Foods and Juices

Most red colored fruits and vegetables carry the red energy and are effective in stimulating and vitalizing the Root Chakra as they are rich in Iron, Potassium etc. Some of these foods are cherries, beetroots, strawberries, plums, red apples, water melons, radishes etc.

Juices can be used to treat the Base Chakra. Juices can be made with a base of Apple Juice by adding other vegetables and fruits to it. These can be Beets and tomatoes, Beets, Strawberries, Oranges etc.

Colored Liquids

In this method red rays are introduced to water by placing water in a container with red color filter on top or red colored glass bottle and placing it in strong sunlight for about an hour. This water remains effective for 1-2 days in a refrigerator and should be consumed in the morning. Honey can also be charged with red energy in a similar manner by allowing it to absorb sun and moon light for 3 days and then stored in a refrigerator and consumed one spoon a day.

Color Visualization or Meditation

Visualizing Red color or meditating on the color is another way of treating the root chakra.

Some other ways Color Healing of Root Chakra can be done is by wearing red color gemstones jewelry, red cloths etc.


I have a book called "Healing with Crystals and Chakra energies" by Sue and Simon Lilly- I love how this book looks at color as a way to heal yourself. I literally found this book, someone left it behind and I was drawn to it. I would say this book inspired me and empowered me more then anything to do this color chakra healing program.

I also purchased a book due to recomendation by Gabriel Cousens "Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini".

I have chakra bath salts purchased from Natalie Berthold, and sprouting love. for more info check out her website wwww.sproutinglove.com I have 1 soak for each chakra. (View this link tolearn more about these delectable salts:

I have my food, I have my healing candle, my incense. my sage soap. I am ready!

Color Healing of Root Chakra

Color Healing of Root Chakra

Chakra Meditation Techniques

Chakras Colour Symbolism Meditation Techniques

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My vision as I see it so far: Learning about Chakra's

I have always been interested in Chakra's. I noticed a long time ago that sometimes I could see color around people and animals. My guides have been placing info and messages in my lap about chakra's for months now. OK I hear you! As of late, I have felt inspired to do something that is WAY out of my skill set and knowledge base....

I want to do a chakra diet. I don't even know enough about chakra's to really explain them to someone else, let alone handle a project this deep...but I will learn along the way.

This is My vision as I see it so far.

I will dedicate one week to each chakra, where I will learn about the chakra, meditate on it, try to balance the chakra, and aim to eat food focused and charged by that same chakra. So all of my energy will go into and come from that said chakra. I will do this for each chakra. So 7 weeks.

I am thinking I will begin on Jan 15th because that is a new moon, a solar eclipse and a nice round day. The last chakra is violet, and the food connected with that is air...so I will fast, the 26-27th only two days. Ending my fast on the 28th --The full moon 2/28 with a FEAST of Rainbow foods and all 7 chakras! I will take the 28th-5th of March using the last days to eat a rainbow of foods and intigrate back into self!

Which I hope, by then my understanding will have grown, and my chakra's will be fully balanced and ready to lead me on my divine path!

Wow. I don't even know how to begin this! I found a wonderful book, by chance that teaches you about "rainbow diets". I am also finding a lot on the internet. If you have any suggestions let me know. wish me luck! I will post each day my experiences and my new widsoms gained....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Path...

I have been on a spiritual journey since I was very young. My Mother was a Jehovah Witness disfellowshipped for standing up to an elder in the church. I am so proud of her for doing so. Even though she was not a member of the faith--to this day she still believes much of their doctrine to be true. She taught me what she knew. I guess you could say I was home schooled in my Mothers Faith, or what was left of it. I was raised with her faith in God, but without a religious core. It was hard for me. I was segregated from the Jehova Witness's in my community because I was "worldly" and segregated from the Christians because I was not like them. I did not stand for the pledge of allegiance, I did not have birthday parties, I did not sing Christmas Songs, I did not believe in Santa or Christmas at all. My Mother told me at a very young age that she believed in God, but that she was lost. She told me--"If you want to find God you have to find him on your own"
And this is what I have been trying to do all my life. From a young age my mother was open to me finding God. While most kids were begging to get out of Chruch, I was begging to get in. On Sundays, I would beg friends to let me go with them to their family Church. I went to Catholic Mass, Protestant Churches--of all kinds, I even went to Sinagogs. I also spent time with Wiccan Covens. I believe in Christ. I have no doubt in God. My first "miracle" was when I was 9 years old. I wrote a letter to God-two sided. I placed the letter in a private space, when I came back then next day. the letter was in the same spot, but turned over. I knew then, that God was real and miracles did happen especially when what I prayed for happened. For a long time I was angry at my Mother for her faith and what it did to my childhood. As a young teen, I brought a Christmas tree into our home--my form of rebellion. I told my Mother I needed this. She accepted my faith. She let me transform into the person of faith that I am even though it conflicted with her own. I am grateful for her acceptance.

In March of last year, I came down with a very bad case of TMJ. I could not open my mouth. My jaw had literally seized. I was scared, but I knew spiritually it was connected to my discontent--my dis-ease. I started working with healers, meditating, trying to release. Surgeons wanted to break my jaw and reset it but due to healers, and my growing practice in the journey of self....Now, my jaw is almost 100% back to normal.

I am on a spiritual journey, I always have been....but sometimes we get lost. For a long time I have been cut off. Hard, Angry...and after many years of spiritual hibernation it seems to have reawakened within me. This blog is about my journey, my faith, my re-awakening. Last year, 2009. I seemed to emerge from my cacoon. I have been intouch with my faith again. Seeing Miracles. Feeling connected. I am so grateful for my Angels-those spiritual healers and guides, who have come in to my life to help me on my divine path.