
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reiki Detox Day 8-15

This week was really an inner focus week, even the blog was too much. I really really went in. I feel like I am making great strides not only in inner healing but outer as well. Each day  I  say my mantra, over and over. I have come across moments of anger, worry and frustration, and used the mantra to calm me down and help me look at the situation from another persepective.
 Just for today...
I will not anger.
I will not worry.
I will love honestly.
I will respect the oneness of all life.
I will be kind to everyone I meet.
I will be thankful for my many blessings

I feel like I am making great disocveries of self with my reiki selh healing. It feels so good to focus on my self, to give love, energy and attention to me.

I feel very conected with everything. Life is beatuiful. I just had my 31st birthday. And, on my birthday I did a 20 minute reiki meditation near the ocean. It was beautiful. I felt so clear and pure.

Reiki Detox Day 16

Well, I have not been very good at writing in the blog, but I have been good about my detox, I have been working on the mantra, the self healing, and my diet. Each day I wear something that reminds me of the chakra I am working on, today I am wearing a beautiful orange shirt. I had to go to the store and buy more yellow and green, I realized I have a lot of red and blue, some lavender, but little to no yellow! Ahh, something to be aware of! I have been doing a little reiki on others, my husband, my cat, my shower, my food. I can feel my heart beat in my palms, deep...when I focus on the energy I can feel it. I am so blessed.I missed the Reiki 3 class, because I was on a birthday getaway in cape-cod. But look forward to taking the next step. I will continue to do the healing, and prayer, and the self reiki no matter what.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 7 Reiki Detox

Today my husband and Father-in-law who is here for a visit went to church. After church my husband made made me a lovely meal. Organic eggs, grass-fed local bacon, organic local home-made rye bread, fresh local melon, blueberries and decaf coffee. After brunch we went to the beach. I was laying out in the beautiful sun, and did my reiki there on the beach.  After the beach I came home and prepped food for next week. Zuchinni, Summer squash "summer" casserole. Lamb stew. BLT sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. Now I am watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Then I will read. Then bed.

Reiki Day 6 Detox

Today I woke up did my mantra prayer, a little reiki healing on myself. I went to the farmers market. Errands. Made a salad with my new lovely bounty from the farmers market. Then off to the city for my Reiki  level 2 attunmment. I had such a lovely day and feel so blessed. I loved learning more, and discovering the symbols. The attunement felt so good. After the attunement we were able to practice healing on each other--it was amazing. I felt so nervous and frightened but I just trusted in the moment. Afterwards I felt a little shaky, but so much energy! When I did the healing she said she saw colors and felt movement so I am doing something right. When I came home I took a shower and did the healing on myself again and a big prayer of gratitude.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 5 Reiki Detox

Day 5 Reiki Detox--Throat Chakra.

Today I was so tired. Barely drag my feet, finish a sentence tired. For breakfast, I had cereal and fresh local blueberries. Yum. For lunch I had left over cous-cous and yellow squash-you gotta eat :(. For a snack I made a bluebrry and berry smoothie. After work I did my reiki positions and took a nap. Then I woke up and ended up laying in bed and reading for 3 hours.For dinner I had a pizza with eggplant topping. That was good. I admit for "dessert" with my pizza I had a caffine free diet coke. Lots of sugar but I was craving a soda, and since I am pregnant I give my belly what it wants (within reason). It's funny my husband drinks soda and eats potato chips--I normally do not. I can tell I am carrying a little version of Joe when I crave potato chips and soda-HA. I will have to break her of that habbit! It is a TREAT ONLY!

After dinner we tried to watch a movie.  I ended up falling asleep. at 8:00. I told you I was tired.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 4 of the Reiki Detox

Day 4 of the Reiki Detox-HEART CHAKRA.

Well, not a surprise really I woke up this morning ANGRY and WEEPY. Yes, this could be the pregnancy hormones, however I haven't felt too many mood swings during this pregnancy, I think its the heart chakra releasing some yucky stuff I am HAPPY to say goodbye to! So Thank You Universe-I hope whatever yucky stuff you helped me release is transmuted into something lovely and wonderfully healing for the Earth! So be it!

I got up this morning and had toast and PBJ for breakfast. And an ensure shake for snack. For lunch I had a tuna wrap with tons of green leafy lettuce. For a snack I had a delicious farmers market fresh garden cucumber, It was divine. For dinner, I had pasta and Alfredo with peas!! For desert I am making Zucchini Bread with local Garden Fresh Zuchinni from my farmers market! I CAN'T WAIT!

I of course wore my green panties and wore a green shirt today I wore my rose quartz necklace and my peridot earrings (my birthstone).

I will do my reiki healing positions in the shower again tonight, I liked that. And I will of course say my mantra many times before the day is through.

Day 3 of the reiki detox

Day 3 of the 21 Day Reiki Detox:

Solar Plexus, I AM. I woke up in the morning and did my reiki positions and self healing. I taped the mantra on my bathroom mirror for easy access and repetition.

For breakfast, an egg! YUM. And, OJ With Toast and some PBJ.  I had a snack of a bowl of whole-grain cereal with milk. For lunch I had a salad with a scoop of tuna salad on top. For dinner I had cous-cous, farmers market local lovely yellow summer squash boiled with butter, and sautéed turnips and parsnips with some turmeric and cumin powder. And, I admit I had a bite of lamb from my husbands plate. For desert, I had a farmers market peach (actually I had two).

Before I went to bed, I took a shower and did my reiki positions again in the shower. Still can't say I "feel" anything. However I like the practice of focused prayer and self healing very much. And, since I truley believe that thoughts are power, the best thing I can do is have faith that this is in fact healing.

I wore my yellow panties, and a beaded rock necklace that hold all different stones, it just felt like the right one to wear today. I wore my favorite dangle gold earings and all today I must admit I felt GOOD. STRONG. AWAKE. ENERGY.

Day 2 of the Reiki Detox

Today Day 2, NAVAL or SACRAL CHAKRA--I woke up and  tried my reiki positions in bed, as a way to start the day. I said my mantra, and got up to enjoy the day. I had a big glass of OJ, and cereal for breakfast. For lunch I had my  yesterday's left over burritos. Side note on dinner: Today I had the honor of going to the Dr. to find out my baby's gender. IT IS A GIRL. I feel this is the perfect way to honor the sacral chakra. My husband and I are SO happy. In celebration we went out to eat at a fancy italian restaurant near our house and I ordered  a pasta dish with sardines and raisens (not my favorite dish in the world, but I am trying to get protein and cut back the meat plus as we know from my chakra diet that fish and crabs are totally forms of solar plexus protein! For dessert- Yummy tiramisu (but not too much) and vanilla gelato! For snacks, I had a slice of a cantelope melon and a fresh local peach from my farmers market! It always makes me want to sing that song..."Peaches for me, Peaches for you...."

Oh, and I wore my amber jewelry, and my orange panties a great way to get me in the NAVAL flow! Oh, Oh, and i have orange toe-nail polish!!!

Day 1 of the reiki detox

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Reiki Attunement

On August 1, 2010 I received my Reiki 1 certificate and attunement from my lovely healer and inspired teacher Natalie Berthold. http://www.sproutinglove.com/  I am so excited to be going down this path of healing, it is something I have wanted for so long. Every Angel card I pick tells me that I am a light worker and need to get healing. Immediately after the class I saw 999 everywhere confirming to  me that I must move forward along this path (go to http://www.lisabeachy.com/ for a great concise break down of Doreen Virtue's Angel Number book and free Angel card readings--I purchased a different version, a deck of Doreen Virtue's Angel Cards and love them).

The attunement was lovely. Very peaceful and healing, I was rocking back in forth in the vibration of loving energy that I received. I would have liked to stay in that zone for hours. Now that the class is over, I am currently in the 21 day detox healing after the attunement, and feel like this is the perfect time to come back to my blog, since it connects so closely with healing, chakras and diet. Yesterday my Internet was not working, for me to share my  ROOT chakra Day 1 story.

After the attunement, I can't say I feel anything out of the norm. Although when I was petting my cat I was thinking of reiki and my wrist started to throb--but mainly I am just feeling very peaceful, very blessed and very happy.

"Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will live honestly.
Just for today, I will respect the oneness of all life.
Just for today, I will be kind to everyone I meet.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings"