
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My chakra's are blossoming....

My chakra's are blossoming....
In meditation, I asked for a visual of my chakra's. Flowers came to mind and soon each chakra had it's own flower, some were in full blossom, others were buds just beginning to emerge.

Root: Dogwood
Sacral: Sunflower
Solar Plexus: Forsythia
Heart: Rose (white rose bud)
Throat: Lavender
Third Eye: White Violet
Crown: Marigold

The marigold is symbolic of loving sacrifice. It reminds us of the sacrifice parents make for their children and that we should remember and thank our parents for theirs.

Modesty and Simplicity

Lavender is symbolic of magic, love, protection, healing, and vision. It reminds us to believe in the impossible but more than anything it reminds us of the power and beauty of love.

The rose is symbolic of love, strength through silence, and passion. It reminds us to savor the beauty in silence and to gain the wisdom it has to offer.


The sunflower is symbolic of opportunities and happiness. It reminds us to remain a child at heart. It also reminds us to take advantage of opportunities as they come our way. We only live once and we only have one chance to grasp them before they pass us by


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A new chapter.

A lot of my family is upset with me right now, or at least confused. I recently completed my rite of election into the Catholic Church. At the Easter vigil, I was baptized and confirmed. This past weekend my daughter received her baptism as well. No one but my Sister came to my daughters baptism. That made me very sad. For those that know me in different chapters of my life, they see this as shocking. A Catholic? But to me it all makes sense. First of all, as a Mother I want to be able to be a part of my daughters spiritual journey. My husbands faith tradition is Catholicism. He told me over and over I did not have to become Catholic, or that we had to raise our daughter as Catholic. But, I was without a spiritual foundation, which in some regards was very liberating, but often lonely and sad. As a Mother, I want a tradition of faith as a foundation. I knew I wanted to raise my daughter with some church, I was just not sure which. I went shopping for a church. I found a Catholic parish that was so welcoming and felt connected to it, when in their bulletin last Easter they mentioned Eostre (Ostara) and the pagan foundation for the festivities that the non-secular world participates in freely. (Spring, Easter Bunny, etc). I joined their RCIA class. I challenged and questioned these little 'ole ladies within an inch of themselves. They challenged me back too. They made me reflect and meditate and evaluate a lot of my belief systems. Sometimes we agreed. Sometimes not. I loved it. My husband went to every class with me, at home the discussions were lively and exciting. It helped us really get on the same page spiritually for our daughter. As a family, we were really melding. This exploration was truly a gift for us as new-to-be parents.

So the Question.. WHY A Catholic? Yes. And why not. I love the Holy Spirit. I love God. I love Jesus. I love incense, and candles, and  ceremony. I love Angels, Saints and Guides. I pray to my Arch Angels daily. I feel their presence and blessing in my life. I feel energy, spirits, guides. I have chosen my patron saint as Arch Angel Gabriel. I am a reiki practioner. I believe I can channel the healing energy of God through me to others. Why then not see a priest as able to turn bread into Christ? When I receive the Eucharist, I feel blessings and the energy of Grace. I meditate and use affirmations, this is what the rosary is! I love the history of the church, in that I see tradition. History. 2,000 years back hand to hand in a line that literally touches Jesus and the original disciples. In the ceremony and pageantry I see a Unity, a coming together of other faiths blending into one to make a brilliant tapestry of spiritual journey. I can revel in the beauty, the sights, the smells, the words, the energy, the blessings at each Mass.  I see the Catholic Church as a perfect fit for me. For my new family. A foundation and a beginning for my child. I have no doubt that some Catholics might not want me. I am sure if the Pope and I sat down our politics would differ a great deal. I look forward to someday going to Rome. :)

My life is profoundly different. I am a Mom. The birth, the breath, the life of my little girl is awe inspiring. I do not see how anyone who is a parent, but especially a Mother, can doubt the presence of God. I do not care how one defines God-LOVE, ENERGY, UNIVERSE, BIG DUDE IN THE SKY, all I know with conviction-is that there is a higher power.  For me, God is evident in each heart beat of my child, from the miracle of conception to right now as I watch her sleep--with each breath, each smile, every laugh orgiggle, and with each milestone--I know God is in our life. I have become to find that Motherhood in itself is a meditation in God's wisdom. Our children are so much closer to the source of heaven then we. They are our teachers. Yes, we may teach them 1,2,3 and what is cow and what is dog, and how to cross the street. But if we take a step back, we can learn so much about God, about the beauty of life from them. I see too often parents snuffing out the cosmic light that shines in a child. Trying to enforce our rules, ideas, vision on them. But, if we just take a step back. Look at life from a child's eye, you will see the beauty, the mystery, the joy of this life.

I see my spiritual journey as a never ending path.  I know I am in a very profound phase of my journey just beginning as a new Mother, a new Catholic.