
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Friday, September 30, 2011

Food for Baby...

I used ice cube trays with a lid and a plastic bottom & I bought something like this http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=537637&parentCategoryId=85181&categoryId=85206 She is all about snacks now, so those containers work perfect for cheerios, and are great to throw in the diaper bag as I run out the door! 

 For my babies  first foods, I made all of her first foods. It made me feel good, since I worry non stop...plus have you tried to eat that stuff they make for kids? YUK. Baby  loves mango and avacado!  So weird, I bet I did not have avacado or mango until I was in high school! 

The left over cubes of pureed food work great now as a fruit ice pop for her teething--http://www.amazon.com/Mesh-Teething-Baby-Feeder-Feeding/dp/B000056JCY.

And, have you read Jessica Sienfiel's cook book? http://www.amazon.com/Deceptively-Delicious-Simple-Secrets-Eating/dp/0061251348
I have made a few of her recipe's and they ARE GOOD!

I bought one of those small cuisinart's for her food. Works great. She is just moving up to table foods now, I take our meal and just chop up a little portion--she is "stage 3" and doing really well with most foods.She has the mashing and the finger grasp down. I always laugh when I feed her, she likes to play in it--I let her get all messy, it is too funny not to let her have at it!  I think she might be allergic to pumpkin or curry, she had a little rash after she shared some soup i made with me last week, but it could have just been coincidence...I will try again later and really watch to see.  I was nervous about eggs but we just tried egg yolks and that went fine , so far so good!