
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Naval/Solar Plexus Chakra meditations: “I am strong. I am successful. I love myself”

"The Solar Plexusn also known as Naval (Manipura, or dashapatra)  is  associated  with the element of fire  because it takes raw materials and transforms them. In nearly all spiritual philosphies  the wisdom of the self  has been compared to the light of the sun. The perfect clarity of the solar plexus chakra clearly illuminates everything for what it is.”
(sue and simon lilly)

Today when I think on the Solar Plexus, the word Solar seems to catch me. Solar, Sun, Center. 

Our world revolved around the sun. We need it's light, heat, energy to survive. Much the same with this chakra. It is the center of us, truly. The phrase "go with your gut" literally refers to your solar plexus, you sun, your center. your higher self lives here.  Those seedlings and saplings I was meditating on the last two days would die without the sun! So this chakra teaches us self-love, self-awareness, and self-trust. Confidence, and worth are sometimes hard to come by. Everyone judges each other, and judges themselves based on some odd rules and bylines written eyons ago. Be yourself. I am feeling a lot of that today &trying to get reacquainted with what that means! Today I seem to be doing a lot of contemplating on where I have been, where I am in the moment and where I am headed. I find myself making my own happiness today. Things that would normally aggravate me, or worry me are seeming very inconsequential. I heard once "you make your own happiness" and today I can see that statement for what it is. We carry this body with us, we carry our thoughts with us, we see what we choose to see, we think what we want to think...so our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. You are your own worst enemy--Love thyself--The kingdom of God is within--all these sayings reflect this truth.  As we continue to reflect on this chakra and our relationship to it, you may want to get help from Archangel Jophiel
Jophiel brings understanding to illuminate your path in life, bringing enlightenment, health and wealth.
The words associated with this Archangel are joy, wisdom, insight, inspiration and intuition. Call on Jophiel for those sudden flashes of inspiration and answers to ongoing problems, as well as developing intuition, inner wisdom and insight.
Jophiel brings JOY, laughter and light, removing negativity. Call on this Angel for help with studying, examinations and concentration or if you are giving a talk or presentation.
The colour associated with this Archangel is yellow.

-In terms of saints, I have been meditating and pondering this a great deal. The saint that comes in the strongest for me is Mary Magdalene. known as the "Apostle to the Apostles. Her identity has been mistaken and slandered by many. She is a woman who must have had difficulty finding her truth and being a disciple of Jesus at a time when women were not accepted or welcomed - let alone to preach. She is misunderstood, slandered not only in life but in death. She is a woman who has divine inner truth and follows it despite what the world says and will say. 

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