
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Saturday, January 16, 2010

base chakra connection

I am now doing research on the base chakra to learn more:
did you know that the base chakra MULADHARA means foundation?
The Indian depiction of the chakras shows a yellow square with 4 red petals around it. The yellow square represents earth, and the 4 petals represent north, east, south and west. The animal form for the base chakra is an elephant with 7 trunks that represent the chakras, the planets, the heavens, etc. On the elephants back is a seed mantra the sound that initiates this chakra. LAM.
Located at the base of the spine the base chakra is sometimes represented as a vortex with a downward opening. It is connected to the adrenal glands. These glands reflect the human survival instinct.

To energize the base chakra:
exercising the sense of touch, attending to practical matters, gentle movement and exercise can help us re-connect with the base chakra.
*take a bath
*get a massage, or other healing touch
*walking, running, jumping or stamping the feet improves ciculation and link to planet earth
*eating, especially high protein foods. taking mineral supplements, such as zinc.
*channeling strong feelings into simple constructive activity
*strong feelings created by base chakra need to release...write feelings on paper and then symbolically burn the paper to release the energy
*dancing, drumming, music with heavy beat with keep the energy circulating and prevent build up and has been used for 100's of years to energize the base chakra and all chakras and attain spiritual states.
*be creative
*anchor or ground yourself try the warrior pose or visualize roots from your feet going deep into the earth. the purpose of meditation is to let go of excess activity in the mind, emotions and body in order to experience the world as it is!
*the solid form and orderliness of the rocks and minerals reflect the nature of the base chakra in us. dark color crystals naturally ground and center our own energies.

(wisdom from the book healing with crystals and chakra energies by sue and simon lilly)

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