
Every Idea is a Seed We Plant

Thursday, January 21, 2010


WOW,  what a roller coaster root has been. Up one day, down the next. Running with energy one day and then meditating for hours the next. I realized this chakra- food wise- was very easy for me, garlic, spices, onions, potatoes, red pasta sauce, salsa, meat, coffee, sugar, wine.... most of my food is naturally RED rooted. I use to eat very little meat, and then I got married to a MEAT eater. So, I just kind of started adding more and more meat into my diet, but this week, I was TRYING to eat meat and focusing on WHAT i ate and I realized- I already ate a LOT of meat! But it is amazing what eating food with intentions of using it to heal your body will do. Same meals as always pretty much, but I felt a difference, both while I prepared the meals and when I ate then... Meat especially, when you THINK about MEAT- about appreciating where the food came and what it purpose in your body will be, it changes your relationship to the food. In the coming chakras meat will fade to null. My husband has been super supportive, thus far, I am wondering what it will be like as meat fades from the table.

Next we have orange- or sacral chakra.

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